Donor Status

GivFlow tracks a donor's status based on the donor's consistency or frequency of their giving - every donation made, will play a role into their donor status.

  • New - a donor that has not donated before.
  • Second - a donor that has donated for the second time.
  • Active - a donor that has donated at least 3 times at a consistency of at least once per quarter.
  • Lapsed - a donor that has missed 2 regular give frequencies unique to them. For instance, if a donor typically gives weekly, and they miss 2 consecutive weeks, GivFlow will mark them as lapsed.
  • Recovered - a donor that was previously marked lapsed, but has started giving again.
  • Occasional - a donor that gives often enough for GivFlow to notice, but not at a rate of at least once per quarter. We recognize this donor offers some consistency, but not enough for us to be confident in saying they're active and you can rely on their donation.
  • Inactive - a donor that hasn't donated in over 12 months.

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