Decreased Donation Amount TTM (From Tier 5)

This list will tell you how many people are lowering their giving over a TTM. If someone gives $12,000 every December, as long as they continue to give that same amount every December, they'll remain in that tier. However, if they give less, or don't give at all, this list will catch them.


Lapsed donors or donors lowering their giving are super important when it comes to be an effective at pastoring people. Churches will go out of their way to contact new donors on their way in, but we find it just as important if not more important to reach out to the donors that might be on their way out or giving less. This gives you a fantastic pastoring opportunity as donors that are lapsing or giving less are typically going through a financial hardship or heard something that didn't like from the pulpit. Either way, it's a great opportunity to provide help or at the very least start a conversation.


The screen show below covers donors going from Tither 5 to Tither 4 and from Tither  5 to Tither 3. The additional rules are copies that are out of the screenshot for donors going from Tither 5 to Tither 2 and Tither 2 to Tither 1 and Tither 5 to Lapsed.

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