Budgets Overview

A budget in GivFlow is just a collection of funds that you choose to track. 

Typically, this collection of funds will contain similar funds. For example, your "General Budget" might contain all of your unrestricted funds and maybe your a building fund. In this particular example, I've grouped funds together that contain our operating expenses within our church. I wouldn't want to include the "missions" fund here because those are separate restricted funds.

We also use this budget to track donors and statuses. For example, now you'll know when you have a "new" donor to the budget. This is useful because if you spin up a new "Ukraine relief 2022" fund, you may not care about new donors to that fund and you don't want their activity to that fund, to be included in your "General Budget" activity.

You can create and track multiple budgets. However, because we track donors for each specific budget, and sync that info into planning center, additional budgets cost $25/month and can be added to your account by emailing support@givflow.com. If you just want to access the budget analysis/compare screen, you can visit the one-off budget analysis screen, to just analyze data across funds.

In some cases, it might make sense for smaller churches, to just include "All Funds" in their budget.

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