Tier 5 Lapsed Donors

This list will tell you how many lapsed donors you've had in the last 30 days AND that are tier 5 donors (these donors give at least $10,000 / year). Because GivFlow runs a complete historical analysis on donor giving, technically, we can label someone as lapsed for as long as 12 months before they get moved to inactive. Communicating with lapsed donors from 12 months ago and 30 days ago will likely need different messages.


Lapsed donors are super important when it comes to be an effective at pastoring people. Churches will go out of their way to contact new donors on their way in, but we find it just as important if not more important to reach out to the donors that might be on their way out. This gives you a fantastic pastoring opportunity as donors that are lapsing are typically going through a financial hardship or heard something that didn't like from the pulpit. Either way, it's a great opportunity to provide help or at the very least a conversation.

However, in some cases, you may want to have a custom process for reaching out to your more higher capacity donors that have lapsed. In this case, your tier 5 donors. This will find the donors that have given over $10,000/year and have recently lapsed. You can set up similar lists, but for other tiers as well.

In our list, we've excluded the active household adult members to account for spouses that may have picked up the giving. You don't have to include this rule.


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